Thursday, May 31, 2007

Interview with Mr. Cal Zastrow

(This is the 2nd in a series of interviews with prolife activists across Michigan and America. It is my hope that you will be blessed and encouraged to read about others who are fighting to stop the murder of preborn children.)

Dear reader,

Today I would like to introduce you to Mr. Cal Zastrow. Cal is a prolife activist who lives in the Saginaw, MI area. He is the chairman of Michigan Citizens for Life, and has fought for the right to life of every preborn child for many years. Cal has also gone on mission trips to China, and is a great encouragement and asset to the prolife cause.

Now to the interview:

JN: Cal, thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me.

CZ: Thanks for asking.

JN: First, could you tell us a little about yourself and your family?

CZ: My family and I are missionaries to the preborn who minister in front of Saginaw's child-killing facilities. We homeschool our children while also travelling to other cities and states to stand against the murdering of children as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

JN: Why, when, and how did you first become involved in the prolife cause?

CZ: While youth pastors in the mid 1980's, my wife and I helped a friend start a crisis pregnancy center. We heard about the Rescue movement in the late 1980's and I knew that some folks were finally getting serious about stopping child-murder in peaceful ways.

JN: I have read about the "Rescue Movement" in the late 80s and early 90s. Have you ever participated in any rescues? If so, could you describe the experience, knowing that you could be fined, arrested, and even serve jail time for rescuing?

CZ: Yes, I've participated in many peaceful rescues. Sometimes police arrest us and sometimes they let us sit there all day while the killing office remains closed. Both my wife and I have been arrested, repeatedly. Peacefully interposing yourself between a child and a murderer is wonderful. Whatever consequences befall us for rescuing are trivial compared to children getting their limbs and heads cut off.

JN: What do you believe it will take for the murder of preborn children to end in America?

CZ: For church people to believe and act like Christians. Christians love Jesus and love their neighbors as themselves.

JN: In the spring of 2006, Michigan Citizens for Life conducted a petition drive to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot that would define life as starting at conception. Why do you feel we need an amendment? Are you concerned that, if Michigan adopts a personhood amendment in the future, the Supreme Court will simply strike it down as un-Constitutional?

CZ: The Michigan Constitution does not define who a person is. Biologically, personhood begins at conception. Therefore, every innocent person should be protected by law and by love. The U.S. supreme court should be defied or ignored when it rules contrary to God's Law and the Constitution.

JN: Please tell us a little about some hurdles MCFL encountered during the petition drive. Also, please share any tactics you found helpful while petitioning, like places to petition, memorable experiences, and such.

CZ: The main hurdle we encountered was unbelief - unbelief in God's ability to bless truth and obedience. Unbelief prevented us from a successful petition drive our first try. The best places to petition are where there are lots of pro-life people: churches, festivals, parades, religious concerts, etc. Don't get frustrated with pro-death people, just keep asking more people and you'll get more signatures. I enjoy petitioning and talking to people about King Jesus and the personhood of pre-born children.

JN: How can people help MCFL in their efforts to criminalize abortion/child-murder?

CZ: Contact us, volunteer, donate, and pray.

JN: Are you involved in the political arena? (I do not consider child-murder to be a political issue- it is an issue of right and wrong.) If so, in what ways? And are you affiliated with any particular party?

CZ: I'm currently not affiliated with any political party. I do work with various political officials in efforts to stop child-murder.

JN: Please take this time to give us any final thoughts you may have, and how people can actively work to stop abortion/child-murder.

CZ: Look in the Yellow Pages of your phone books. Turn to "abortions" and read how they market the murdering of babies. Read how they dehumanize children and attempt to deny their personhood. Ask God to put in your heart what is in His heart for innocent children. Tear the stinking ad out of the phone book and follow the map to the death pit! Lift up your voice for the babies in front of your local killing center. Offer help to the mothers. Hold up large pictures of pre-natal babies and ones murdered by choice. After they are done killing for the day, take your voice and your signs and try to get others to care. Cry out in churches, at ball games, on busy sidewalks, and from door-to-door! Allow this wicked culture no rest until the violence stops.

JN: Once again, I would like to thank you for taking the time to do this interview. May God bless you and your family as you serve Him! May He hasten the day when every preborn child is once again protected!

CZ: Amen. May our children be blessed by our faithfulness.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Interview with Mr. Carl G. Oehling

Dear reader,

In this first of a series of interviews with prolife activists from across Michigan and America, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Carl G. Oehling. Carl is an elderly gentleman who lives in Coloma, MI. He has a passion to see murder stopped, and righteousness restored in our land. As a tireless worker for the cause of life, Carl was an encouragement and lesson in persistence during Michigan Citizens for Life's Prenatal Child Protection Amendment petition drive in the spring of 2006. Michigan Citizens for Life's goal is to see the right to life restored for every preborn child in Michigan, and believes an amendment to the constitution defining personhood as starting at conception is what we need to write into our laws to accomplish that. For more information on Michigan Citizens for Life, and how you can help, please visit
Michigan Citizens for Life, where you will find contact information.

James Niemela

Now, to the interview:

JN: Thank you for agreeing to do an interview with me regarding Michigan Citizens for Life's Prenatal Child Protection Amendment petition drive.

CO: NO problem. The intent is to be in God's will and to glorify Him.

JN: Mr. Oehling, what did Michigan Citizens for Life attempt to do with regards to protecting all preborn children in Michigan from being murdered?

CO: Michigan Citizens for life understood the words of the supreme court (sic) which said in effect that in their opinion we could ignore the baby in this instance since it had never been stated in the Constitution it is a person at conception. I think a will that includes children not even conceived yet indicates the baby is a person at all steps of life. God's judgment day will convene the SUPREME COURT.

JN: Why do you believe we need an amendment to Michigan's constitution which would define life as starting at conception? Wouldn't a law simply be enough?

CO: For 34 years Christians have been supporting persons who merely say they are pro-life, but do nothing. They con us with 'give us money, vote for us, and we promise good in the future'. I don't believe them any more. They have had their chance for 34 years. Some laws have been passed, but they have not passed the mere opinion of the judges involved. This effort for a constitutional amendment will put the decision into the votes of the people to be written into the basic law of the land, which is the constitution.

JN: What were some practical tactics you found to be helpful when petitioning to put an amendment on the ballot? Such as places that you petitioned, reactions people gave, and things like that?

CO: I found I could gather signatures from any place people are. I stood in front of the Post Office, on the sidewalk in front of a bar, at a fair, at festivals, and the like. Some would take it into their Church and help, but not enough at last try. I think next time I will urge any signer to take a petition and help. That was the bottle neck last time, not enough Samaritans got their donkeys in gear.

JN: What are your thoughts on regulating the murder of the preborn? Some prolifers feel regulation is a step in the right direction, others feel that it is wrong to regulate murder, and believe that any law which ends with "and then you can kill the baby" is wrong and shouldn't be supported by Christian prolifers. What is your belief on this issue?

CO: Let's take the multiple questions in order. Michigan law, MCL 750.316, is already in effect. It maintains premeditated murder is a gross felony. It has no age, sex, color, height, weight, or other limits in it. The Trinity declares murder is worthy of death.
The next question brings into question problems like an ectopic pregnancy. Here I believe we need to consider the knowledge of medical history. We know if the situation is allowed to continue it will soon result in the death of the mother and therefore the baby. God has yet to give us information on how to transplant the baby into the womb. Now we have to make a human judgment of 'does the mother have a right, or even a duty, to remove the problem and thus defend her right to life'. I think she does.

JN: Are you or have you been involved in prolife activities other than Michigan Citizens for Life's petition drive?

CO: Yes. In the early years I looked on RTL as the only choice I had, basing it on Christian leadership and next to nothing from my home Church. I did not do a proper study and think it all through. I now repent of my sins. I had the facts of both science and the Bible. I really have no excuse. There was a hiatus of doing nothing, but then I found a third political Party and in it some Christian friends. We worked and talked together in the Party and finally formed a separate group, "the Michigan Citizens for Life".

JN: Are you politically active? (I do not consider stopping the murder of the preborn as being a political issue.) If so, what do you do in the political arena? Are you affiliated with a party?

CO: I am affiliated with the American Heritage Party at this time. I will run as an Independent in the future because they don't have ballot access. That is one of my next projects.
You pose an interesting question in not considering murder a political issue. In thinking on it, I decided it depends on whether you follow a Humanist or a Biblical Religion. Biblical religionist must live according to the story of the Good Samaritan. Everybody in the society is a neighbor to one another and thus doing right is not an option. However as a humanist, we think on the "survival of the fittest" and allow variable morals with no need to answer to a Higher Authority as there is no god but themselves.

JN: With the 2008 elections coming up, do you see a candidate for President that you feel prolifers can vote for in good conscience? If not, what do you believe prolifers should do in regards to voting? Do you believe a person should vote for a marginal candidate, if the other candidate is evil?

CO: I read in 2 Chronicles 19: 1-3 we are not to support evil persons. At present the major Parties are not stopping the murder of babies. That is evil in my opinion. I don't know what to do except to write letters to the editor, talk it up among friends, and then abstain from pulling their lever in the booth. Pollsters crunch numbers and get some intelligent results. Christian must learn to take their Bible with them into the voting booth. Privately the major parties laugh at Church goers who don't practice what they preach and follow the Humanist Religion's ideas.

JN: Please take this time to give any final thoughts on what we, as citizens, can or should do to stop the murder of the preborn.

CO: Well, I send money to Michigan Citizens for Life by check, so I have a written document that I am an associate member and thus do not represent my Church institution. I am on the Internet so I keep contact with the group. I write to the leadership to support them and urge them onward. The results of last year were very depressing to supporters.

JN: Once again, I would like to thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me. May God bless you as you serve Him, and may He hasten the day when all children are protected from murder in Michigan and across the world.

CO: I thank you for asking. May God receive the glory.

Carl G. Oehling, <'))><

Upcoming interviews

Dear reader,

Do you ever get the feeling that you are alone in the battle for the prolife cause? Are you ever disgusted by some large "prolife" organizations that seek to raise money, but never push for real change, such as actually banning ALL abortions? In the days to come, I hope to post interviews with some prolife activists who are truly that- ACTIVISTS. These people are not administrators for large organizations, who get paid a big salary. These are people who get their hands dirty actually working for the cause, like getting ink on their hands while collecting petition signatures, getting cold and wet while out on the streets doing prolife presentations at abortion killnics, and have many tired and often discouraging days counseling people to choose life for their baby. Some get arrested for defying unlawful police orders. Some do more low-key work. All are necessary to keep this truth out before the American people- that KILLING BABIES IS WRONG! It is my hope that you will be encouraged to read about these valiant warriors for life. Please check back soon. If you would like to be added to the email list so you can be notified when a new post is published, you may email, and type "Subscribe" in the subject line.

For the preborn, and the Crown Rights of King Jesus,

James Niemela

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Some (rambling) thoughts on life

Dear reader,

It has been a while since I last wrote. This spring has been a memorable one, with both happy and sad memories. First some good news. My oldest brother and his wife had their 6th child, a little healthy boy. Children are such a blessing! It is so neat to watch as they grow and learn about their surroundings. Our own little John is almost 1 year old, and is digging in everything! Sometimes I wish I could harness that energy. They make solar panels. Do they make "kid panels"? If any of you know of a company that makes them, please let me know. On the other side of the coin, are the sad memories. On April 30, 2007, we laid Grandpa into the bowels of the earth, to wait the summons from on high. Life is short. Grandpa was 78 years old. But even that is just a vapor, like grass in the spring. One minute it is growing and thriving, the next it is snuffed out. May we seek to always journey as the children of God. This life is short, but eternity is forever. Satan goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. This is no dress rehearsal- it is for keeps. Do you know Jesus? As the songwriter says, "Are you daily walking by the Saviour's side, are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb"?
If not, today is yet the day of grace. Today He calls you unto himself. Come to Him! Repent of your sins, and trust Jesus solely for your salvation! Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may be too late. He says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
If you do know Jesus, thank Him for His grace! Praise His mighty name for His great salvation! And seek to live according to His Word and His ways. For His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.

James Niemela